The Scar Clinic provides management and treatment plans for the whole spectrum of scar categories; whether simple or complex, fresh or older, for aesthetic purposes or medical reasons.

Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars

Keloid and hypertrophic scars are red, thick scars that can be itchy and unsightly, causing potential discomfort and self-consciousness. These scars are more common in non-Caucasian skin are likely to be develop on the chest and shoulders. Surgical management alone is not the solution in the case of keloid and hypertrophic scars, so treatment requires a combination of different modalities.

Surgical Scars

Surgical intervention is necessary in the management of a variety of conditions. While the majority of wounds heal with no concerns, the insult of surgery may leave scars that can be unsightly, tender, and cause functional concerns.

Common scars that often present for opinion include:

  • Thoracotomy scars
  • Caesarean scars
  • Laparotomy scars
  • Orthopaedic scars, especially over joints
  • Breast surgery
  • Skin grafts scars

Radiotherapy Scars 

Radiotherapy is frequently utilised as a primary or additional treatment for variety of medical conditions. However, radiotherapy can cause ongoing tissue fibrosis and may cause scar contracture, deformity and unstable wounds.

Common radiotherapy induced scars are seen after breast cancer surgery and skin cancer surgery. Management of these scars is very different from other surgical/traumatic causes.

Trauma Scars

Trauma varies in severity from minor superficial abrasions to major soft tissue loss. Problematic scars resulting from trauma have a wide presentation, many with additional issues of contour deformity or functional concerns related to muscle or nerve injuries.

Burns Scar

The severity of a burns scar varies depending on the depth and site of injury and extent of surgical intervention. The deeper the burn, the more likely the need for surgical intervention and ongoing issues with scarring long term. Early in the scar maturation, the potential issues are related to redness and thickness of the scar. Long term issues are more related to scar contracture, contour deformity and function.